
Weekend things

 What a fun spring weekend this was.  The lovely Emily from Golden Fur Vintage and her boyfriend Jeremy came into town to visit Chris and me.  We spent time in the sun, ate ice cream and veggie dogs. We went dancing and met up with my other friend Emily( it was an Emily fest!) and we went thrifting. We also went to the Flywheel on Saturday morning with the intentions of selling our wares, we met up with Sam from Flashes of Her, and our three racks of clothes together was just a sight to behold, it feels good to have your clothes mingle with other peoples clothes. We even made vegan chocolate chip cookies to give out from our table. It was fun.

   Sam and Emily hanging out at our little table.
 Sam and her fine threads.
 Emily's finery and my own hanging out.


Emily Rose said...

aw yay, all of our clothes looks so great together. all those east/northampton folks dont know what they missed!

See Me Everywhere said...

Beautiful photos!