
A New Face

So a few posts ago I mentioned wanting to makeover the look of my shop. Well I have been trying, last friday my friend Jessica came over and we took photos of just about everything that was in my store and over 20 new items that I need to list. I still don't think I am completely happy with the photos, but I sure like it better then before. I started doing some photos of my pieces on a white lace background, and I need to work on that setup a little bit, but I like it better then hanging on a wood wall. Our house is just so small and there is not a single blank wall in the whole joint, so I have to get creative, who knows maybe I will have a new space soon(fingers crossed)
  I have not listed all the new items yet but here is a sneak peak of some of the new threads.


Unknown said...

Love your photos (as always). :)

Although, I noticed the ads you put up on your side bar. Because of the nature of your blog, you may want to 86 the adsense ones and use Amazon Contextual ones instead so that they'll be relevant to your page. Of course, if it's working for you, pretend I didn't say a thing!

Cristina Rose said...

ahh so lovely

Amber said...

i think your pics came out really nice. I especially like the second one.

Meg said...

everything looks beautiful