

All I have been thinking about lately is what it i s I have to do to get a space for a darkroom. I miss printing so much. I used to have a little room under the eves in my parents house when I lived at home, but for the last 7 years I have been dry, and with out a space. My father is selling the house that I grew up in which has forced me to go back and pack up my little space filled with equipment and come face to face with the fact that I could have a whole lab if I only had the space.
  After some deep dreaming and lucid thinking I came up with having a photo trailer. So the hunt begins for a small canned ham, with working water and heat for me to set up a lab in.


BlueTerracotta said...

A trailer is a wonderful idea! I just re-read Woolf's "A Room of One's Own" and I've been thinking about the "£500 a year (in 1928) and a room with a lock on it" for a woman to be able to create. You'll even be able to move your trailer from place to place, even better!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a perfect little dark room! I hope you find the coolest little magical trailer ever! I recently decided I wanted to set up a yurt for an art studio and within days I randomly learned of a lady selling one for a very good price :) Crazy how the universe listens :)